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Tuberculosis: MSF launches unprecedented project to tackle underdiagnosis among children

Contributing to knowledge and implementation gaps

Operational research led by MSF’s team of epidemiologists, Epicentre, will be conducted to assess the feasibility, acceptability, and performance of the treatment decision algorithms in the communities where we work.

Studies have already been enrolling patients in five MSF projects since autumn 2023: in Maiduguri, Nigeria; Madarounfa, Niger; Conakry, Guinea; Malakal, South Sudan; and Mbarara, Uganda. These sites will make it possible to document any difficulties encountered in implementing the programme and to propose solutions when the project is rolled out in up to 25 other countries.

Training will be provided to MSF teams and their Ministry of Health and national TB programme partners on treatment decision algorithms, the interpretation of X-rays, the newly recommended use of stool samples, contact case finding and follow-up, and health promotion.

Using the experience of participating projects, a toolkit of materials adapted to settings where MSF and partners work will be developed. In addition, TACTiC will also participate in advocacy at global international, national, and local levels to speed up the implementation of existing recommendations and call for the development of more adapted diagnostic tools.

By sharing findings with the international community involved in TB, TACTiC strives to remove barriers to TB treatment for children, ultimately reducing the number of deaths among children with TB, improve their treatment experience and prevent more cases.

Fonte original msf.org

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