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Survivors of sexual violence in the Darien Gap receive care in Costa Rica

For this reason, since mid-April, we are facilitating access to medical and psychological care services for migrant survivors of sexual violence. In the facilities of the Estación Migratoria del Sur (EMI Sur – Southern Migration Station), we work with our local partner Cadena and in coordination with health authorities and other groups through awareness-raising, active identification of cases, and provision of comprehensive assistance.

During the first days, activities focused on comprehensive care for survivors of sexual violence. All organisations present in EMI Sur have been trained on recruitment of cases of sexual violence, agreeing on its immediate implementation in all their processes.

“The idea is that medical, nursing, psychology and social work personnel reinforce strategies aimed at the active recruitment of cases—within the medical office or in strategic spaces such as the wound healing room—through specific dialogues with key questions,” says Carlos Estrella, MSF project coordinator in Costa Rica.

Fonte original msf.org

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