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Sudan: Pregnant women and children dying in shocking numbers in South Darfur

In August, 30,000 children under two-years-old were screened for malnutrition in South Darfur. Of these, 32.5% were found to be acutely malnourished, well beyond the World Health Organization’s emergency threshold of 15%. Furthermore, 8.1% of children screened were severely acutely malnourished.

Nyala, the capital of South Darfur, was a hub for humanitarian organisations before the war. But since its outbreak, most organisations have not returned. The UN still has no international staff in the city, where MSF is one of the only international organisations present. Between January and August, MSF teams in South Darfur provided 12,600 ante- and post-natal consultations and assisted in 4,330 normal and complicated deliveries.

Across Sudan, interrelated crises are compounding to cause immense suffering, with little help available, as Dr Burkhardt, who worked in North Darfur prior to her assignment in South Darfur, explains.

“The disparity between the huge needs for healthcare, food, and basic services, and the consistently lacking international response is disgraceful,” she says. “We call on donors, the UN, and international organisations to urgently increase funding for, as well as scale up and supply, maternal health and nutrition programmes.”

Fonte original msf.org

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