Persistence reaps rewards in overcoming hepatitis C in Karachi
Initially, he experienced symptoms such as pain in the back of his legs and frequent hiccups after eating. A doctor suggested a liver test, which confirmed he had hepatitis C. The re-use of needles and razor blades, unsafe healthcare practices, and sharing everyday household items, such as combs or toothbrushes, are the most common risk factors for the spread of hepatitis C virus (HCV), as it is transmitted through blood.
If left untreated for too long, it can progress to end-stage liver disease and even liver cancer. Commonly, people are screened for HCV infection only when they start showing symptoms of liver disease, which is often too late. Considering the prevalence of HCV infection in Pakistan, all people should undergo screening for it at least once a year, regardless of signs and symptoms.
Ahsan first sought treatment at Jinnah Hospital, where he underwent a three-month course of medication. Unfortunately, the treatment was ineffective.
“I was devastated,” says Ahsan. “I had pinned all my hopes on that treatment, and it failed me. I felt like I was running out of options.”
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