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MSF closes activities in Bulgaria amid ongoing challenges for refugees

Our work included providing general medical care, sexual and reproductive healthcare, mental health, and treating chronic diseases, totalling over 8,800 healthcare consultations. To prevent outbreaks like scabies, we disinfected 147 rooms and 823 mattresses, and trained both camp staff and residents in hygiene practices. 

Residents faced frequent outbreaks of scabies and bedbugs due to overcrowded conditions, limited sanitation, and insufficient access to medical resources. Our teams implemented a vector control programme, training both camp staff and refugees in health promotion and disinfection.

A year on, shifts in migration patterns and stricter government policies for people to obtain refugee status have diminished the initial urgency, and the occupancy rate in camps has significantly dropped. Today, the Harmanli camp hosts about 900 residents – less than half of its capacity – primarily composed of Syrian asylum seekers, many of whom seek to continue their journey further into Europe. Refugee policies have led to a recent increase in asylum rejections for Syrians, with many people now left in a precarious legal situation.

Fonte original msf.org

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