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Masisi General Referral hospital hit by gunfire leaving two MSF staff slightly injured DRC

This is the second incident in four days to directly affect the Masisi General Referral hospital as clashes rage between the M23/AFC and the Congolese army, backed by allied elements, for control of the town of Masisi. On 16 January, two civilians were shot in front of the hospital, one of them fatally.

“Patients, Ministry of Health and MSF staff, and the thousands of displaced people currently living in the hospital – the vast majority of whom are women and children – are extremely worried by these repeated incidents,” says Romain Briey, MSF’s field coordinator in Masisi. “Where can they protect themselves from the fighting if not in the hospital or in the humanitarian bases?”

“It is essential that the warring parties take all possible precautions to minimise the risks to civilians,” says Briey. “We would like to remind everyone that protected infrastructure – hospitals, health centres and NGO bases – must be spared from shelling and that no armed elements should be deployed near these facilities.”

MSF teams have been supporting the Ministry of Health in Masisi since 2007. MSF currently supports the Masisi General Referral hospital, the Nyabiondo Referral health centre, and several other isolated health centres.

Fonte original msf.org

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