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Japan can embrace open science — but flexible approaches are key

The communique from the G7 Science and Technology Ministers’ Meeting, held in Sendai, Japan, last May, expressed support for “immediate open and public access to government-funded scholarly publications and scientific data” (see go.nature.com/3xurjzw). Japan has however been slow to embrace open science. A government-backed preprint server, Jxiv, was established in 2022 (Nature https://doi.org/jjz5; 2022), but as of 1 May had only 326 manuscripts publicly available.

Competing Interests

K.I. reported receiving grants from The Nippon Foundation – Osaka University Project for Infectious Disease Prevention, the Inamori Foundation, the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (Grant-in-Aid for Early-Career Scientists, 23K12845); also received honoraria from Mimir, Inc. solely outside the submitted work. He is also a member of the Editorial Policy Advisory Group of the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ), and an advisor to the Shizuoka Prefectural University Corporation.

Fonte original Nature.com

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