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Israeli proposal to designate UNRWA as a terrorist organisation is outrageous

“This occurs while Israeli forces continue attacking populated areas, resulting in mass civilian casualties in areas designated as ‘safe zones’ by Israeli forces, continue with the destruction of civilian infrastructure including hospitals, and with the repeated forced displacement of hundreds of thousands of people trapped in Gaza.

“Not only is humanitarian aid being obstructed, but if the bill passes a final reading, it will also be criminalised under Israel’s Anti-Terrorism Law, in contradiction with international humanitarian law.

“This would have terrible consequences as it could amount to a free license to attack UNRWA facilities and its humanitarian personnel, and would further endanger civilians seeking the protection of the UN agency. Humanitarian workers must always be protected, and civilians spared.

“Israel’s allies, which are all members of the United Nations, must stand against this move to criminalise humanitarian assistance and ensure that UNRWA can continue its essential work. These governments must pressure Israel to stop the bloodshed and provide assistance to Gaza.”

Fonte original msf.org

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