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DRC: Civilians caught in crossfire in North and South Kivu

Fighting has also resumed in Kibirizi, a reception and transit town for thousands of displaced people located at the crossroads of several strategic axes in North Kivu. In May, violence broke out in populated areas, both in towns and near fields, resulting in the destruction of infrastructure and vital resources, as well as an exodus of people once again displaced by the fighting.

The number of cases of sexual violence has also soared, with a five-fold increase in the number of survivors of sexual violence treated in MSF-supported health facilities in Kibirizi and further south in the Bambo health zone.

With the intensification of hostilities on a new frontline since February, the exchange of fire and artillery is also regularly affecting civilians living in and around the town of Minova in South Kivu, where almost 200,000 people have taken refuge this year.

How does MSF continue to work in this context?

In North and South Kivu, our teams are working in a volatile security context, with difficulties in moving around and delivering humanitarian aid, and uncertain access to the health centres we support. Despite the medical and humanitarian nature of our response to this crisis, our staff have not been spared from acts of intimidation by armed men.

Fonte original msf.org

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